Principal Investigator
Professor Geoffrey W. Coates
S.T. Olin 560
Phone: 607.255.5447
Fax: 607.255.4137
Administrative Assistant
Kelly Case
S.T. Olin 560
Phone: 607-254-1696
Coates Group Phone Numbers
S.T. Olin 562/570/572: 607-255-7893
S.T. Olin 565: 607-255-4855
S.T. Olin 571: 607-255-3594
S.T. Olin 573: 607-255-3914
S.T. Olin 575: 607-255-5401
Mailing Address (Correspondence)
Prof. Geoffrey W. Coates
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Baker Laboratory
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-1301 USA
Shipping Address (UPS, Express Mail)
Prof. Geoffrey W. Coates
G-75 Chemistry Research Building
162 Sciences Drive
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-1301 USA